Saturday, February 4, 2012

Indexed DB: To provide a key or not to provide a key

I am currently busy writing a little framework around the Indexed DB API to make it easier to use Indexed DB. One of the things I was struggling with was when the key parameter must or mustn’t be provided. So I tested every possible combinations.

For this I created 4 object stores with different combinations:

  • Object store 1: KeyPath: “Id”, autoIncrement = true
  • Object store 2: KeyPath: undefined, autoIncrement = true
  • Object store 3: KeyPath: “Id”, autoIncrement = false
  • Object store 4: KeyPath: undefined, autoIncrement = false

Next, I tried adding four different combinations, and here are the results.

Add/Put parameters

Object store configuration



Object store 1

Object store 2

Object store 3

Object store 4

{ Name: "test" } undefined successful successful failed failed
{ Id: 1, Name: "test" } undefined successful successful successful failed
{ Name: "test" } 1 failed successful failed successful
{ Id: 1, Name: "test" } 1 failed successful failed successful



  1. When a KeyPath is defined, the key parameter must be undefined
  2. When no KeyPath is defined and there is no autoIncrement, a key must be provided
  3. When no KeyPath is defined and there is autoIncrement, a key can be provided
  4. When a KeyPath is defined and there is no autoIncrement, an attribute with the name of the KeyPath must be present.


  1. This has been very, very helpful. Thank you!

  2. The varying size pins line up with the cuts on a key to allow the plug to turn and activate the lock. So, if a lock has pins numbered 3-5-4-2-1 then the cuts on the key must be 3-5-4-2-1.duplicate key maker near me

  3. Rather they vary, sometimes to great extent, depending on the job or problem to be addressed.duplicate key maker near me
